... Or is change in charge of you?So, this is pretty exciting, I just launched my first website, www.jefflavoie.com! I mentioned in my last email something about creating a community where I could share information with my customers and hopefully this would turn into a forum for my customers to come to in search of inspiration on new ideas to take their practice to a higher level! Well, the thought got my mind going, and with lot's brainstorming and feedback from many of you, I was inspired to make a change in how I do what I do. So, I created this website.
Water Line maintenance is a topic I've spoken to most of my customer about at one point or another. Many of you are aware of the protocol, but after reading the article in the link below, I felt compelled to bring this to the forefront again. This poor 7-year-old girl who had "three permanent teeth, a baby tooth, and a part of her jaw bone" removed because of bacteria in dental lines. This is an important reminder of how a simple step in our routines can prevent a potential disaster not only for the long term health of our practice but more importantly your patients health!
MassPAT - Mass Online Prescription Monitoring Program
Action Required by Dentists. The Department of Public Health has announced that a new prescription monitoring program, known as MassPAT. Effective October 15, 2016, all prescribers will be required to check MassPAT each time you prescribe a Schedule II-III opioid. See attachment or use this link for additional instruction. www.massdental.org/pmp.aspx www.massdent HIPAA RANSOMWARE GUIDELINES As some of you may or may not be aware of RANSOMWARE has become a growing concern. There have been offices in our area that have had their practice management software hacked and held for a ransom, and in some cases tens of thousands of dollars! |
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